Pre-Postpartum Programs

What is Pre and Post Partum Care?

While pregnancy brings many joys, it can also have it’s challenges. Physical therapy can be a conservative means of treating issues both during and after pregnancy.

Conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Back and hip pain
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • SI joint pain
  • Sciatica
  • Increased pain in knees and ankles
  • Urinary urgency
  • Episodes of incontinence with coughing, sneezing, lifting or a strong urge to go

What is Pelvic Floor and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction occurs when the muscles and connective tissue (ligaments) of the pelvic floor cannot coordinate function by being either too tight (hypertone) or too loose (flaccid). This can Iead to issues such as incontinence-, leaking urine especially when coughing, sneezing, laughing, squatting o rrunning, unabIe to perform sexually, constipation, failing to reach the toilet in time, frequent urinating, passing gas consistently from vagina or anus when bending forward, reduce dsens ation in the vagin aand can also cause pelvic floor pain.

During Delivery

Pressure in the abdomen and the possibility of difficult vaginal birth or cesarean section can result in:

  • A risk of prolapse of the bladder, rectum, or uterus. A “falling out” or “pressure” sensation.
  • Weakening of pelvic floor and abdominal strength leading to incontinence of the bladder and/or bowel.
  • Musculoskeletal pain due to trauma of delivery

Post Partum

Complaints may include:

  • Incontinence of bladder and/or bowel
  • “Falling Out” sensation due to prolapse
  • Abdominal/Back pain due to pelvic floor and core weakness that may include diastasis recti, Sacroiliac or SI joint dysfunction, disc related pain
  • Neck and Mid back pain due to sleep, nursing/feeding, and carrying the baby
  • Scar pain from C Section or tearing/episiotomy
  • Wrist/arm pain from lifting

Physical Therapy Can

  • Educate the patient on their condition
  • Teach core, pelvic floor, and lower extremity strength
  • Guide you in return to pre-pregnancy activities
  • Teach you how to properly position yourself, posturely and ergonomically to care for yourself, your baby, and your home
  • Perform manual therapy geared toward addressing soft tissue and scar restrictions
  • Prevent further injury and pain
  • Provide various modalities